Komodo`s Underwater World
The underwater life in Komodo is just amazing. Over the years, more and more tourists wanted to experience this spectacle. Therefore, many divers use a Liveaboard to enjoy the Komodo Nationla Park. You can also explore the park snorkeling and swimming. The Manta Rays are one of many animals in Komodos underwater life. They are an absolut highlight and thus you should not miss them. The diversity given in the Komodo National-Park is just stunning.
The Coral Reefs
The corals have just an decisive impact on everything, you cannot imagine. They give the Pink Beach its colour, the underwater world its colur and of course they lead to this underwater diversity. Corals also take CO2 and have therefore an big impact on our climate. But because of the climate change, they die. Therfore, Komodo has more and more safety zones for coral-reefs, where corals are planted, too. Having a look at them will amaze and also impact you, to have a different understanding of how important corals are for our climate.
The Batfish
Did you know, that the beautiful batfish can grow up to 50 cm? The Orbicular batfish does play an important role in his environment. Thus he eats a lot of seaweed, he stops the weeds from taking over the reefs where he lives. Smaller fish and crustaceans are also on his menue. The Batfish often follows sea turtles, because he waits for them to go to the toilet. He likes to eat the turtles pooh. The young batfishes are very well camouflaged and therefore they can hide in mangroves and lagoons. Adults Batfish have very few enemies, so they swim more in the open water. The Komodo National Park is full of diversit and plenty different fish species. One of the best places to dive in this colourful underwater world.
Colourful Coral Reef Komodo -
Colourful underwater diversity Komodo